Augmented Reality and Older Adults: A Comparison of Prompting Types(CHI 2021)

Older adults can benefit from technologies that help them to complete everyday tasks. However, they are an often-under-represented population in AR research. We present the results of a study in which people aged 50 years or older were asked to perform actions by interpreting visual AR prompts in a lab setting. Our results show that users were less successful at completing actions when using arrows and highlighting to augment objects than when using ghost objects or ghost hands. We found that user confidence in performing actions varied according to action and augmentation type. Users preferred combined audio and text prompts (our control condition) overall, but the ghost hand was the most preferred visual prompt. We discuss reasons for these differences and provide insight for developers of AR content for older adults. Our work provides the first comparative study of AR with older adults in a non-industrial context.

Augmented Reality and Older Adults: A Comparison of Prompting Types. / Williams, Thomas; Jones, Simon; Lutteroth, Christof; Dekoninck, Elies; Boyd, Hazel. Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, 2021.